Challenge 07 - Discussion

Jan 15, 2012 14:57

Challenge 07

This challenge is where I give a discussion topic and members discuss it! It is as simple as that really but make sure the posts you add don't just say 'I agree' as that won't be accepted.

Points Available

First Comment: 10 extra points
1 Comment: 5 points
2-5 Comments: 10 points
6-10 Comments: 15 points
11-15 Comments: 20 points
16+ Comments: 25 points

Total Points Available

35 if you are the first poster; 25 if you're not the first poster

How to Enter

Post your thoughts on the topic and talk to others about it

Due By: Monday 23rd at 5pm UK Time (click here for a count down timer!)

How was season four compared to the other seasons?

challenge post, !round fourteen, discussion

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