Challenge 02
(Topic suggest by
Below the cut is a short questionaire, when you fill it out other members will comment on which character they think you relate to the most.
When picking a character for a member you can pick any (main or not) but you must say why you think they are that character. This can be based either only on the questionaire but also on the overall opinion of the poster that you've had here.
After the challenge ends, if there is one character with a majority of votes then the poster will recieve a banner declaring their Merlinesque identity. If there is a tie then there will be a quick vote.
You get points for filling out the questions and for stamping people. Feel free to chat in the answers as well :)
1. Who do you consider to be the biggest villain in Merlin, and why?
2 If you were fighting alongside Arthur, which of these would be your weapon of choice and why? Sword, magic, axe or crossbow.
3 If you were a resident of Camelot - what job do you think you would have?
4 How would you react if you saw a Dragon in real life?
5. What type of person do you normally befriend?
6 What are the most important things in your room right now?
7 If you had to appear on a reality tv show, which would it be?
8 What is your favourite type of weather and why?
9 If you tried on the sorting hat, would you be in Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw or Slytherin? (
10. Are you currently procrastinating? If yes, what are you meant to be doing?
Points Available
Filling out the questionaire: 15 points
Stamping someone: 5 points
Total Points Available
How to Enter
Fill out the form above and/or start stamping people who have filled it out.
Due By: Sunday 16th at 2pm UK Time (
click here for a count down timer!)