Challenge 10
Focus On... Nimeuh
This challenge is where I pick a character (sometimes major, sometimes minor) and you have that fortnight to enter anything related to that character (10 points a piece, maximum of two pieces). As long as it has the character in (you can include others as well) then you get the points, so you can pick what you want to enter, rather than have it set out.
Notes: You can enter two things for points, they can both be the same selection as long as they are different (for instance you can enter 20 icons but not 10 and then 10 more that are exactly the same but black and white.)
This list does NOT show every option - leave me a reply to my comment below with option suggestions and I'll add them on!
Anything entered must be new and made by you.
You can either post it here or link to it posted elsewhere but if it is NSFW you must link it instead of posting it here!
An Option is made of the following (more may be added later)
10 icons
10 mood theme pictures
1 wallpaper
2 love bars
1 header
1 fanfic (minimum 100 words)
1 poem
1 fanmix (minimum three songs)
1 mini picspam (minimum 10 pictures)
2 gifs
1 video
1 Character analysis or study (minimum 300 words)
1 tumblr graphic
1 manip
2 online fashion dolls
1 poster
Points Available
Each option completed: 10 points
Total Points Available
How to Enter
Post or link to your post in a comment
Due By: Sunday 25th at 5pm UK Time (
click here for a count down timer!)