Thanks to everyone who voted in our poll! This is just a note to let you know that prompting begins tomorrow! And here's the schedule for the rest of year:
-- Jun 24 - July 7 Prompting begins
-- July 8 Prompt List goes up
-- July 10 - July 24 Signups begin
-- Oct 19 Submissions due
-- Oct 24 Posting begins! Levels of participation will determine how often pieces of work are posted.
Also, the favor was swung towards anonymous prompting and posting with reveals at the end, so please keep that in mind. Also, our
FAQ was updated, so please check that out! Some highlights:
-- Discussion of how works will now be posted to community
-- Vidders are encouraged to join
-- If you finish your work early, you may claim an additional prompt
-- Clarification on what pieces will be accepted (must be stand alone and not a WIP)
If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment here (all comments are screened), send us a PM on the mod account, or send us an email at! In any case, please help us
spread the word and we hope to see you join!