FIC and ART: Tales to Tell in the Dark

Oct 30, 2015 01:42

Title: Tales to Tell in the Dark
Name: mushroomtale, Polomonkey
Rating: NC-17
Characters/Pairings: Merlin/Arthur
Warnings: Individual chapter warnings for murder, rape, mutilation
A Prince stumbles across a beautiful man asleep in a castle...
A merman longs for the handsome noble he sees above the waves...
One orphan courts another in a town where young men are going missing...

Three classic fairytales, given a horror twist.

Notes: Huge thanks and appreciation to Mushroom for the beautiful art, and for cheering me on when I was angsting and flailing about these stories! She didn't let me give up and she provided the incentive of wonderful pictures, all credit goes to her!

Please note that these are three standalone stories with individual chapter warnings, and can be read separately if you wish to skip one.

Link to fic on AO3
Link to art on tumblr

2015, pairing: arthur/merlin, type: fic, rating: nc-17, type: art

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