FIC: Learning Things In The Dark

Oct 30, 2013 13:40

Title: Learning Things In The Dark
Name: digthewriter
Prompt #: 26 [Prompt](Post) apocalypse, au. A curse falls upon Great Britain and consequently upon a fair number of its population. In the midst of the chaos Arthur meets Merlin, a young brave and handsome guy that's doing everything in his power to help and fight to make the country reborn from the ashes. The only problem is, Merlin himself is cursed (fuck or die curse), and when Arthur realises that, things shift between them. He's constantly aware of Merlin and the way he behaves, and it's not until Merlin's been going without it for too long and endangers his own life that Arthur has to take matters into his hands.

Rating: NC-17
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Merlin/Arthur (Past: Arthur/Elyan, Merlin/Mordred, Merlin/Freya)
Wordcount: ~16,275
Warnings: Angst. Pining. Explicit Sex.
Summary: Arthur travels from village to village helping people that have been plagued by a mysterious illness. He’s already lost his family, so he struggles to find a place where he belongs. He reaches Ealdor and meets Merlin. A man he’s instantly attracted to, but it looks like Merlin doesn’t really care for Arthur’s company.
Notes: I owe everything to my betas: Subtlefire and Camelittle--without their help, this would not have been finished. All the remaining mistakes are mine.
{ Learning Things In The Dark }

pairing: arthur/merlin, type: fic, rating: nc-17, 2013

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