Title: Into the Dark Name: kriadydragon Prompt #: 13 [Prompt]Arthur is the head of a paranormal investigation team. Merlin is a medium who sees dead people (and it sometimes drives him crazy). And their both each other's rivals. But when they're both hired by the rich and famous Mithian (or who ever you want) - who swears her aunt's old mansion is trying to kill people - they have no choice but to work together if they want to survive. Rating: PG-13 Character(s)/Pairing(s): Merlin, Arthur, Gwaine Wordcount: 14,167 Warnings: blood, vomit, child abuse, child death, past experimentation on children, mentions of suicide. Summary: Merlin is a medium with a past he can't (and may not want to) remember. Arthur is a ghost hunter looking for answers as to why his mother killed herself for no known reasons. Both are rivals, but will have to work together when their quest for answers gets them more than they bargained for. Notes: { Into the Dark }