Merlin Re-watch Reminder:
Friday, July 21st - 2X11: The Witch's Quickening
We are now doing TWO re-watches (twice the Merlin is always a good thing!) so more people can participate.
The live re-watches:
Friday, July 21st at 1 pm PDT/ 4 pm EDT / 9 pm BST / 6 am Saturday, July 22nd Sydney Australia time
Friday, July 21st at 3 pm PDT/ 6 pm EDT / 11 pm BST / 8 am Saturday, July 22nd Sydney Australia time
Ways to Participate in the
merlin_forever Re-watch:
1) You do not HAVE to watch it at the time above in order to participate, that’s just when the most people are likely to be talking in
Merlin Chat about it.
2) Please post your discussion, meta, or other thoughts as comments on this LJ post!
3) If you create fic, art, or anything else related to the episode, please share it in the LJ community, or drop us a link here!
5) Help us with our Merlin Rewatch
Counting Sheet 6) If you have written any fics/drawn any art or know of fic/art that others have written that take place during this episode, please post links to these works here in the comments. This is something new I thought would be fun to do, so we'll give it a go and see how people respond.