Welcome to our second
merlin_forever challenge!
This week's challenge:
Create a fanwork set in, based on, or spinning off from Merlin 1x02: Valiant!
How it Works:
*Create a fanwork based on this week's Merlin rewatch episode.
*Use the challenge to spin-off from any moment, expand on the general theme of the episode, or explore any ship you choose. In short, let your imagination run wild and interpret the challenge in any way you'd like as long as you can connect the dots to the weekly episode!
*You're free to create for any pairing, threesome, gen fic, etc and write any genre that you choose.
*We welcome fic/ficlets/drabbles of all lengths, art, drawbles, vids, graphics, poetry, etc.
*You may also combine the prompt with challenges from other comms if you would like.
*, we will have a weekly wrap-up post and masterlist of creations for each of our weekly episodes.
How to Post:
*Please crosspost your entry to the community. (You may of course post to your journal and simply link back when you post to the community.) (Posts are moderated, but we will approve them asap.)
*You have until the following week's LIVE watch post to submit your work to the community to receive the full 250 points.
*After that, any submissions posted are worth 100 points.
*Once you have posted your entry, you may go and
submit your points towards earning
merlin_forever badges. You can see the sample badges
*You may use the following header (or something similar) when posting your submission:
Title:Author: Beta: (if used)
Characters/Pairings:Rating: (G to NC-17)
Warnings: (as needed)
Word Count: (all lengths welcome)
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction created for fun and no profit has been made. Rights belong to the respective creators.
Notes: Written for episode #_ at
There is no limit on the amount of people who can play and signups are not necessary, but if you are planning to participate, we'd love to know about it! Comment to sign-up!
YES! I'm planning to play!:
1. manitrix
2. le_rameau
3. kitty_fic
Anyone can play! If you are inspired at any time, whether your name is on the list or not, please feel free to join in and post your creations to the community!
Please submit your Merlin: 1x01 creations to the community by SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16, before 9:00PM GMT to earn 250 points. You may of course submit them anytime after that as well and still earn 100 points as well as be included in our masterlist of fanworks for the episode.
If you have more ideas than you can possibly write, you may leave them here in the comments to inspire others! Share any ideas that you'd like to see written based on the episode!
In addition to the challenge: Please leave your reccs here!
If you know of ANY already existing fanworks set in, based on, or spinning off from Merlin 1x02: Valiant - please let us know in the comments! We would love to put together a masterlist of fanworks for each episode!
If you have any questions, please comment here and we will get back with you as soon as possible.