Alator reveals Merlin's magic

Nov 14, 2023 22:15

This is a reveal fanfic and I'll try to list what I remember below:

- Pretty sure it's part of a 'reveal collection', with multiple stories in the same publication...

- Alator traps Merlin, Arthur and the knights in a shaft in an old mine (iron mine? I say this because the mine is stopping Merling from accessing his powers)

- Merlin is injured in the fall and can't use his magic so he becomes very very sick

- Arthur and the knights are super worried and protective due to Merlin's condition

- Alator is around, he comes to talk to Arthur and the knights from time to time before finally revealing Merlin's magic to the group

- Once they're out of the mine I believe they summoned Kilgarrah to come to save Merlin (this may be a different fic soooo)

I swear I had this one saved but seeing as I can't find it I guess not...

theme: magic reveal (merlin's to arthur), character: merlin, theme: friendship, character: arthur, category: fanfic (specific), *found, character: knights

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