Young Merlin kidnapped, then found by Balinor

Feb 19, 2023 20:45

Hello everyone!

I'm looking for a specific fic. Here's what I remember:

Young Merlin (under 10 years) is kidnapped by slavetraders(?) after his magic is discovered. Shortly after, he is found by Balinor, who brings him back to Ealdor.
Balinor also tells someone (maybe one of the kidnappers) that he (Balinor) can feel that the kidnapper has magic, but it's so weak it's barely there so the kidnapper is jealous of Merlin because of this.

It's been some years since I read this story, probably in the early 2010s. Which means it most likely was on

Recs for similiar stories would also be appreciated.

character: merlin, theme: au (canon), category: fanfic (specific), theme: kid!fic, theme: kidnapped/captured, character: balinor, theme: au (other), theme: slave!fic

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