Wolf fics

Sep 24, 2022 20:28

Hey, I'm looking for two sperate fics of the same premises, namely wolf Merlin. It's been ages since i read them, and i have a suspicion that they no longer exist, but here goes

Both were on fanfiction.net

One is a fic in which Merlin is just straight up s big wolf. He is sent to Camelot to help Gaius. Gwen discovers he can talk early on. He still saves Arthur and Uther names him the princess personal guard dog, i believe?

The other one is the one I'm really craving.
The knights, Arthur and Merlin are captures or smth by a witch and her lackey. The lacky is this big bulky guy with a gem in his chest. It's revealed that he's a werewolf and the gem like, ties him to the witch. Anyways, something happens and Melon is turned into a werewolf too, but he kills the witch(i think, it might have been Arthur who did) and the gem like, breaks on both on them. I think he kills the other guy? Anyways, the cave collapses and Merlin is trapped inside, with Arthur thinking he might have died. There's a big time skip and stuff. I remember the turned wolf people get big and bulky, i also recall Merlin being very solitary and keeping away from civilization.

Hope something comes up here. I've been a bit nostalgic for the fandom

character: merlin, theme: angst, character: arthur, theme: au (canon), theme: transformation, theme: magic reveal (other), theme: magical mishap

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