Modern Magic AU Merlin is Younger than Arthur

Mar 08, 2022 14:30

I read this a good few years ago and I can't find it which is driving me mad so I think it may have been deleted I can't remember who wrote it or the name.

It’s a modern au where magic users are persecuted. Arthur works for Uther, I think some sort of media company.
One night Arthur follows someone into a magic club, he shouldn’t be able to access it as he's not magic. He meets Merlin who is younger than him and goes by the name of Emrys. I think Mordred is there too and jealous of Merlin. Merlin is revered and almost worshipped by those at the club who que up to drink from a cup with his magic in.
Merlin makes Arthur drink from a cup, so he won't be discovered and gets him out the club. Over the next few days when Arthur tries to go to the club but can’t find it or get in when he eventually sees Merlin again he won't speak to him and tell Arthur to go away but turns up in his work a few days later and uses magic to stops a bomb by Edwin meant for Uther.
Merlin's very weak after using so much magic and Arthur helps him gets away and looks after him as he recovers. They begin an affair. All is great, I think there is even a scene where Arthur takes Merlin on a boat which belonged to his late mother, but then Merlin breaks it off.
Arthur is distraught and after a period of time tries to reconcile with Merlin after tracking him down but he’s moved in with Gwaine and seems happy.
It ends with some media party where Merlin turns up and saves Arthur and Uther from an attack from Modred. It turns out Uther got to Merlin and told him to stay away. So happy ending in the end.
Ring any bells?

theme: au (other), character: mordred, character: uther, pairing: merlin/arthur, category: fanfic (specific), *found

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