Arthur from slave to a king

Dec 17, 2021 22:18

Hello! I'm searching for a series that was on AO3. It was about captive price Arthur being given to cold-hearted court sorcerer merlin as a pleasure slave. Merlin is part incubus, his mother is the queen of the succubi and incubi, and there's a lot of sex. Lots. The Kingdom Merlin serves is driven on sex magic, kind of, under the rule of King Bayard?. Merlin also helps Arthur gain back his kingdom in the end in an awesome battle with an army and magic. Valiant is also not as bad as a jerk, he holds a good position of power despite his attitude.

This story was taken down as the author was going to turn the fanfiction series into a book series. So I want to know who the author was, what the of the books are, and where to find it. This being said, just a link to the profile of the author who made it. Thanks!!

character: balinor, category: deleted/moved works, pairing: merlin/arthur

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