Looking for specific magic reveal fic

Oct 31, 2021 12:28

I'm looking for a story I read a few years back.
My memories are a little foggy, but I *think* it was a magic reveal and gen.
Merlin and Arthur (it was just the two of them) got stuck into some sort of trap in the forest. Merlin kept trying to get them out by using his powers when Arthur wouldn't notice, but there was something in the trap which stopped his magic from working. Eventually he confessed to Arthur that he was a sorcerer.

That's probably not much more go on, sorry.
I'm also fairly sure that the trap had not been set specifically for them. It was probably old, had been there for a while, and they got caught in it entirely by accident.
Any ideas?

theme: kidnapped/captured, theme: magic reveal (merlin's to arthur), character: merlin, character: arthur, genre: gen

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