May 16, 2021 19:43
Any fics where Merlin is seriously hurt or traumatised or something and has a long recovery ahead of him and Arthur supports him through it? Canon era or modern AU I don't mind and I'm happy with gen or merthur :)
theme: hurt/comfort,
theme: illness/injury,
pairing: merlin/arthur,
category: fanfic (recs),
theme: dark!fic,
genre: gen,
theme: abuse,
theme: episode tags & fix-its,
genre: slash,
theme: possessive/protective,
character: merlin,
theme: disability,
character: arthur,
theme: friendship,
theme: kidnapped/captured,
theme: dub-con/non-con,
genre: pre-slash,
theme: slave!fic,
theme: angst,
theme: established relationship,
theme: romance