*found - the other optionMerlin organizes medieval healthcare

Apr 29, 2021 21:08

Hey y'all! Im back this time in search of a capable!merlin fic where Arthur and (I think) Leon go undercover as a visiting lords servants under some pretense I cant quite remember. Um- during their stay at camelot its uncovered that Merlin and Gwen are like, top labor organizers for camelot? Like straight up the author had them organizing the gen equivalent of health insurance, teaching community classes (I think Lancelot is one of the teachers?) etc

Its a gen fic, can't remember the pairing, whenever I search it up on the internet I get a similar one but not quite right, does anyone remember this one for me?

UPDATE- you were so quick! Thank you! the fic is the other option. 

character: merlin, character: arthur, genre: gen, *found, character: leon, character: gwen

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