Looking for Merlin fanfics

Oct 23, 2019 12:51

I am specifically looking for a copy of https://web.archive.org/web/20151014200220/https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8701027/1/In-Deep-Water as the wayback machine only has the first chapter available (and it was driving me crazy looking to reread this fic and knowing it used to be on my favorites list on ff.net

I would also like a copy of her fic https://web.archive.org/web/20151009124856/https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6209903/1/Friendship-Called-Treason but not as much as the other one because I actually havn't read this one yet!

I'm also looking for a fic where Merlin and Arthur are trapped in the crystal cave and Merlin is immortal so he keeps cutting off a piece of his arm and cooking it for Arthur so he can continue to live.  I know this one is on Fanfiction.net under hurt/comfort as I read it when I started my recent binge reading and I only had that tag selected along with Merlin and complete (91 pages of fanfics and it wasn't until like page 50 i realized I hadn't been favoriting any stories...)

Edit: I finally found it!! (After I stopped looking of course). https://archiveofourown.org/series/223016

Also any recommendations that are Merlin!whump are appreciated! (I would prefer no modern AU's I find those to be a hit or miss on whether or not I enjoy them, mainly misses so far)

thank you ahead of time! and also thank you all for still being active! I've been stalking the tags for some good fic recommendations and have yet to be disappointed!

theme: hurt/comfort, character: merlin, character: arthur, category: fanfic (recs), category: fanfic (specific)

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