Searching for some Arthur-centric fics

Oct 21, 2019 17:50

Hi guys! 1. Just wondering does anyone have any hurt!Arthur + protective! knights/Uther/Merlin recommendations? Or it could be just hurt!Arthur dub-con/non-con fic. (Sorry Arthur, I'm a bad person:(

2. Also I'm looking for fics in which Arthur lives a miserable life (either living on streets or being abused) until someone who remembers their past lives helps him out. I just finished reading Twist Destiny and absolutely loved it!

3. I really want to read some canon/modern au good!Uther fic pleeeeeeaaaaaase

Thanks so much! 

character: merlin, character: arthur, theme: au (canon), category: fanfic (recs), theme: dark!fic, theme: abuse, theme: dub-con/non-con, character: uther, theme: au (modern day), theme: reincarnation

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