Merlin/Harry Potter and Merlin/Torchwood (Merlin/Arthur pairing)

Aug 16, 2019 18:27

Hi, been going through some of the Merlin/Harry Potter. Would would love some long Merlin/Arthur pairing where Merlin is either Harry somehow and Arthur comes back (I'll go for him as Draco or something) or even if Merlin adopts Harry while waiting for Arthur. Would love mpregs as well, bonus if old characters like the knights or anyone shows back up set during the Harry Potter time. Arthur and the knights or whoever come back can either know about magic or learn of it. I've been seeing some Merlin/Harry Potter recs in the tags but would love more longer ones if their are more.

And also looking for a Merlin/Torchwood with Merlin/Arthur pairing and Jack/Ianto pairing. If I remember correctly it was after the 456 incident in Torchwood along with Ianto's death. I think Owen was a reincarnated as Gaius. Jack was reunited with Ianto and learned Merlin and Arthur was his parents, I think the Doctor may of come in to help out? Suzie was also their as well along with Toshiko and I think Rhys might of ended up as a knight.

pairing: merlin/arthur, category: fanfic (specific), theme: magic reveal (other), theme: mpreg, character: gaius, theme: crossovers & fusions, theme: reincarnation, character: knights

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