Looking for Specific fics (Canon and Modern AU)

Jan 24, 2019 19:54


I'm still looking for two fics I posted about previously (more than two weeks ago so I think by community rules that's allowed?? if not please let me know), if you want to look to those two posts for info, but a quick run down is:

1. Fic where it's winter, Merlin and Arthur are out in the woods, Arthur stops to rest and almost passes out from the cold, but Merlin saves him and won't let him go to sleep.

2. Fic where Merlin is a doctor, Arthur is his partner and has a brain tumor, Merlin tests on monkeys to try to find a cure for Arthur, Arthur writes a book about Arthurian legends which he gives to Merlin to finish upon his passing.

But more importantly, there are two more stories I'm looking for. I'm terribly sorry, I WILL start bookmarking things from now on as I find them.

3. I'm fairly certain Arthur has an eating disorder in this story, but it's not "Too the Bone". The detail I remember clearly was that Gwen knew about Arthur's self esteem issues as a child, and that he ran around in the training grounds for hours in the rain without eating and subsequently collapsed. He got sick from being in the rain, and was able to eat even less by passing it off as illness, and no one tried to stop him. Arthur reveals to Merlin that he was sexually abused by knights as a child, but he asked if he could tell Merlin like he was telling a story so it wouldn't seem as real.

4. Merlin is caring for Arthur while he's very sick, and the only thing that soothes him is a story/song, which Merlin has never done for Arthur before. It's NOT the one where Arthur had chickenpox. Sorry that is terribly vague, but this was on Fanfiction.net.

Thanks for all of your help!

theme: eating/food, theme: hurt/comfort, pairing: merlin/arthur, category: fanfic (specific), theme: dark!fic, theme: abuse, theme: dub-con/non-con, theme: au (modern day), theme: established relationship, *unanswered requests

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