Looking for Merthur's Kidnapped Son

Jan 21, 2019 22:24


I'm looking for a fic that I read ages ago and lost. In it, Merlin and Arthur's son was kidnapped at a very young age by a neighboring kingdom and was raised to be a powerful music user (but he isn't, which is a disappointment to his 'mother'). I'm fairly certain that his name was Oliver. Merlin was also kidnapped, but kept in a dungeon and his tongue was cut out so that when Oliver(?) eventually finds him, Merlin can't tell him who he is. I can't remember the resolution, but there is a reunion between Arthur, Merlin, and their son.

I think it may have been located at ffn, but I'm really not certain. Any help (or similar stories) would be greatly appreciated!

theme: hurt/comfort, theme: disability, pairing: merlin/arthur, theme: au (canon), category: fanfic (specific), theme: kid!fic, theme: abuse, theme: angst

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