2 (pod)fics

Jan 18, 2019 12:46

Both these I listened to as podfics but can't remember their titles or who read them. I'm happy even just to find the fics again! I probably have the podfics somewhere and just don't know that it's them XD

The first one is either a reincarnation or Arthur returns fic, modern setting. Through social media (or somehow), Arthur finds pictures that Merlin takes and posts online. He tries to get in touch but Merlin prefers to stay away from Arthur. Does that ring a bell with anyone?


A Heap of Broken Images (the digital life remix) by glim

The second one is a fairy tale AU, I think? There's a house on a hill, I think? And the whole thing ends tragic, I think. Something about still hearing laughter on the wind? God, I really don't remember more than that but I listened to it in my car, it was probably only 10-15 min (tops!) and I know I had to stop the car so I could have a good cry about it.


Those Fairy Tales They Tell Us by giselleslash

theme: future!fic, character: merlin, character: arthur, *found, category: other

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