Looking for fics where magic is dying/being destroyed and life can't exist without it

Dec 31, 2018 12:32

Can't remember the name now, but recently read a fic where a device was being used in Camelot to detect sorcerers (they got sick under his area of influence) but Merlin and Arthur end challenging Uther and destroying it because normal people are being affected too (a newborn even dies) with magic being everywhere and life can't exist without magic.
Bacause of this, I'm looking for more fics where Uther or even Arthur thinks they finally won the war against magic but then the truth is revealed after normal people start dying and even animals/plants. They can discover a way to reverse the situation or not, especially if started with Merlin being killed because of his magic.

theme: magic reveal (merlin's to arthur), theme: magic reveal (merlin's to uther), theme: illness/injury, theme: angst, category: fanfic (recs), theme: death!fic, theme: dark!fic

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