looking for recs: protective over magic

Dec 29, 2018 01:21

hi *waves*

i was wondering if there are any stories set in some vague future where merlin's magic is already well known & someone thinks merlin is a freak because of it. it could be anyone: a nobleman because they think magic is evil, another sorcerer because merlin's magic is so different to everyone else's, even merlin himself thinking it because of some thing or another...

what i'm looking for even more is people being (over)protective of merlin because of this - arthur, gwaine, other knights, gwen, gaius, anyone really.

i love h/c & read mostly gen, merlin/arthur or merlin/gwaine. i do read other pairings though, if the story is really really good.

thank you in advance!

theme: future!fic, character: merlin, category: fanfic (recs), theme: possessive/protective

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