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brunettepet October 7 2018, 16:48:08 UTC
These Modern AUs fit the bill:

kathkin's "The Wrong Trouser-Leg of Time," a time traveling Modern AU https://merlinfic.livejournal.com/714179.html that clocks in at 12,000 words but there's a sequel/prequel "A Tale of Two Arthurs" https://merlinfic.livejournal.com/735583.html that brings the total word count up to 25,000 words

Lamardeuse's "What Child Is This" has Arthur and Merlin raising an abandoned baby: https://archiveofourown.org/works/71404

Fayjay's "The Student Prince" has Merlin rooming with the Prince of England https://archiveofourown.org/works/91885/chapters/125138

Syllic's "Easy There" Arthur and Merlin row for Oxford https://archiveofourown.org/works/7197

Slantedknitting's "The Fall" Arthur and Merlin meet at Uther's funeral https://archiveofourown.org/works/315312/chapters/505685

Dolce Piccante's "Exhibit" Arthur and Merlin are art students who loathe one another https://archiveofourown.org/works/579960/chapters/1040792

Instead of me leafing through my bookmarks, and seeing what are over 25,000 words you can just leaf through all my Merlin/Arthur bookmarks at AO3 Most bookmarks have notes and are canon era and modern AUs of varying lengths. You can just flip through them and see what piques your interest. Fair warning, some have unhappy endings but I try to warn for that.


yesimafan October 7 2018, 20:15:14 UTC
Oh god I LOVE that Maryland art school one and can never remember the name of it! So glad you rec'd it here :)


brunettepet October 8 2018, 06:05:20 UTC
It's a terrific one.


xancredible October 8 2018, 11:50:57 UTC
Just two additions, for anyone who's interested:

Podfic of "Student Prince", read by FayJay herself

Podfic of "Easy There", read by RevolutionaryJo

I second Student Prince. It's a fandom classic. I highly recommend the podfic.


brunettepet October 8 2018, 13:56:23 UTC
Both podfics are excellent.


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