non-con, magic reveal and monsters

Feb 22, 2018 12:32

I'm pretty sure this was just one fic, but it might be two. What I remember was that Arthur and Merlin were searching for some sort of monster that was threatening Camelot. They find its cave and with it a lake filled with its victims.
I can't remember if the monster reveals Merlin's magic, or if Merlin himself does but Arthur does not take it well. He attempts to rape Merlin and may actually succeed? The monster mayhave been manipulating him, I don't remember but I think Merlin was going to let Arthur do it anyway because he loved him or something like that.
I don't know entirely how it ends,but I think there was a creepy poem about the monster.

This could be a different fic, but I'm pretty sure the monster had once attacked Ealdor? The children had been getting sick and then being snatched by the monster in the night. When Will got sick Merlin had snuck out to see him and saw the monster trying to take Will. I think this was how will found out about Merlin's magic because he made it rain salt and iron on the monster, apparently defeating it? and the next day the citizens of Ealdor take all the salt and iron that had fallen and buryed it all in front of their doorsteps to ensure they can't be harmed by the monster again.
As I said, that could be a completely different fic, but I'm pretty sure it was a flashback during the main story.
If anyone has any idea, please let me know and if the fic is deleted but you have a copy, my email is Thankyou!

character: will, theme: magic reveal (merlin's to arthur), character: merlin, category: deleted/moved works, theme: ealdor, character: arthur, pairing: merlin/arthur, theme: au (canon), category: fanfic (specific), theme: dark!fic, theme: dub-con/non-con

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