Modern AU Depression - specific fic and recs

Sep 13, 2017 15:57

The specific one I'm looking for has Merlin and Arthur living on the same residence hall and there's a party going on. Merlin walks into the bathroom and Arthur is there about to commit suicide. Merlin stays and talks to Arthur, not realizing what was about to happen. They eventually end up together, and Arthur starts seeing a therapist and confronts Uther at one point. I've been going through my bookmarks with no luck and it's driving me crazy!  **FOUND: Before I Go To Sleep by hereticalvision

I would also like recs where either Merlin or Arthur are dealing with depression/suicidal.  Merlin/Arthur as main pairing, please. Doesn't matter if it's canon era or modern au. Happy endings only!  Absolutely no incest fic.

Thank you!!

theme: hurt/comfort, theme: illness/injury, pairing: merlin/arthur, theme: au (canon), category: fanfic (recs), category: fanfic (specific), theme: dark!fic, genre: pre-slash, genre: slash, theme: au (modern day), theme: angst, theme: au (school/college/uni)

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