General Search

Aug 04, 2017 22:41

Hello! Just wondering if anyone could recomend any fics :)

1) I know there are two stories like this but have both been deleted so unless anyone somehow has a copy I'll ask to see if there's any others; Merlin essentially takes on Morgana's role and is somehow related to Arthur/Uther/Morgana and joins Morgause and turns on Camelot.

2) Any fanfic's where Merlin turns against Camelot and joins Morgana or Morgause.

3) Merlin is forced/blackmailed to betray Camelot or spy on Camelot. (Thinking along the lines of fics that are similar to 'The Dark Temptations' if anyone's read that.)

4) Any fanfiction's where Mordred is revealed to the Knights as a druid/sorcerer whilst he was still good.

Sorry I know it's a long list and I don't really think that there'll be much if anything for them.

character: mordred, category: deleted/moved works, category: fanfic (recs), character: morgause

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