Merlin and Morgana's parentage

Jun 11, 2017 13:23

Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone knew of any fics that addressed Merlin and Morgana's parentage, namely that they're both technically bastards (ie, born out of wedlock), and how that affects them. Especially anything that has to do with Morgana's claim to the throne being legitimate or not. But basically, I'm looking for any fic that has Merlin or Morgana facing some sort of stigma because they were born to unmarried parents. Any pairings welcome.

theme: other, theme: merlin's father, character: merlin, theme: ealdor, character: morgana, theme: au (canon), category: fanfic (recs), genre: het, genre: gen, genre: pre-slash, genre: slash, theme: infidelity/cheating

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