Specific fic search Servants bully Merlin

Jul 19, 2016 21:21

Hi all,
I'm looking for a fic I read a while back, set in season 1, where the other servants in the castle are jealous of Merlin, or at least hazing him or something, and they bully him severely. They don't tell him where things are, make his work harder, lock him out of his room I think?, and get him drunk at one point. Arthur eventually realizes and makes the servants do things to make up for the extra work Merlin had to do?

theme: hurt/comfort, theme: illness/injury, character: merlin, theme: friendship, pairing: merlin/arthur, category: fanfic (specific), theme: jealousy, genre: gen, theme: abuse, genre: pre-slash, theme: angst, theme: possessive/protective

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