Title: Only Fools Rush In
Rating: R
Pairings: Morgana/Morgause, Arthur/Gwen, Gwen/Morgana,
Warnings for this chapter: angst, violence, gore, character death, incest, (Highlight to read spoiler) ->miscarriage<-
Word Count: 4300
Summary: An alternate opening for Season 3. Or in which Morgana and Morgause come back and fuck shit up.
Disclaimer: If I owned the show it would be called Gwen and Morgana not Merlin.
A/N: For full disclosure, I'm including this note:
This was the very first Merlin piece I ever started writing - well over a year ago. It grew and grew into a huge monster, then I cut it to bits and started again twice, had visions of writing an epic Alternate Season 3, and finally left it to collect metaphorical dust on my harddrive. In going through my Merlin WIP folder, and figuring out what’s actually salvageable, I decided that this version of the first chapter, which I completed last fall, passes muster. As for the rest of the epic-well I’m never going to say never-but I don’t plan on writing it. Still, I think this piece stands well on its own, especially for those looking for some blood, gore, and unresolved heartache. Beta’ed several times by the extraordinary
misswonderfreak (to whom I owe Uther’s exploding head) and
yllenk. All remaining mistakes are my own.
here at my LJ /
here at my DW