
Nov 02, 2008 19:31

First off, welcome to the community! We are dedicated to the drabbles of the Merlin community!

We have a few basic rules here.

1.) This community is drabble-based. A drabble is, strictly speaking, a work of 100 words exactly. However, we will accept works up to 400 words long. However, if your drabble exceeds that length, it will be removed.

2.) We are primarily challenge-based, but we do not limit ourselves to challenges. Which means, basically, you can go crazy with your drabble-age. I will post challenges whenever I feel like it regularly, but anyone who has a challenge idea is free to post it (but please give it a title and a tag).

3.) If your post is not a drabble or a challenge, it will be deleted. Advertising posts will only be allowed after contacting the mods first. If you have any questions, please post them here.

4.) Please use the tags for any posts. The tags go as following:

type: femslash, type: gen, type: het, type: slash
pairing: a/b (please put the members of the pairing in alphabetical order, i.e. arthur/merlin as opposed to merlin/arthur
length: less than 100, length: 100 plus (meaning 100-199), length: 200 plus (200-299), length: 300 plus (300-400)
rating: g, rating: pg, rating: pg-13, rating: r, rating: nc-17
author: your user name
challenge: challenge name

5.) Please place all fics behind a cut or provide a link.

6.) Please include the title, rating, pairing, type, challenge (if any), exact word count, warnings and summary in the heading of your fic.

7.) No flaming and/or insulting language. Con crit is fine, flames are not.

8.) Please community-lock any R or NC-17 rated fic.

9.) Please contact me if you have any questions or problems.

length: 300 plus, type: slash, rules, au, mod post, rating: nc-17, rating: pg, type: het, length: 100 plus, rating: g, rating: pg-13, rating: r, length: less than 100, type: femslash, length: 200 plus, type: gen

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