The Proper Care of Kings

Sep 21, 2009 00:59

Title: The Proper Care of Kings
Rating: G
Pairing: Arthur/Gwen/Lancelot
Type: Het, slash
Challenge: None
Word Count 150 (Drabble and a half)
Warnings: None
Summary: Arthur is most displeased
A/N: Written for drabble_a_trois

(Could we get a tag for Arthur/Gwen/Lancelot, please?)

The great hall is always imposing, but even more so when it's so empty. Gwen feels very small, despite knowing she shouldn't. Looking at Lancelot shows that he's feeling the same way.

"You summoned us, sire?" She does not kneel, simply meets his eyes.

"Indeed." Arthur sits on his throne, looking down at them. "You two have been spending a lot of time alone lately. Secluded walks, private meetings, and such." He smiles slightly. "I've hardly seen you at all."

A spark of comprehension enters Lancelot's eyes. "Am I to understand, my lord, that you have been feeling neglected?"

"One might put it that way, yes."

"That won't do at all, will it, my lady?"

"Certainly not." Gwen catches Lancelot's eye and they grin.

Arthur comes down and puts his arms around them. "My chambers are nearest." He presses a kiss to Gwen's cheek.

She laughs. "Lead on, my loves."

type: het, type: slash, length: 100 plus, rating: g

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