Rewatch: 3x09 - Love in the Time of Dragons

Apr 03, 2011 15:55

Bitte entschuldigt die einwöchige Verspätung. :)

Mit der Ankunft von Alice, der alten Liebe von Gaius, freut sich Merlin, eine ihm bisher unbekannte Seite seines Mentors kennenzulernen. Nachdem er jedoch herausfindet, dass Alice unter dem Einfluss eines Mantikors steht, einem Zauberwesen der Alten Religion, bleibt Merlin nichts anderes übrig, als Gaius vor Alices dunklen Absichten zu warnen. Blind vor Liebe weigert sich Gaius jedoch, Merlins Geschichte Glauben zu schenken. Als König Uther auf unerklärliche Weise erkrankt und alles darauf hindeutet, dass Alice und der Mantikor dahinter stecken, muss Merlin Gaius von der Wahrheit überzeugen bevor es zu spät ist.

Gaius: The physician's art can achieve great things.
Uther: But not miracles! The innkeeper was fatally ill. You said so yourself.
Gaius: Yes, that was indeed my diagnosis. But my knowledge isn't perfect. There are many branches of my craft are yet mysteries to me. I could not heal the innkeeper. Someone else could.
Uther: Are you absolutely satisfied that no magic was involved?
Gaius: Entirely, sire.

Gaius: I remember everything. All that we saw, all that we did, each and every day we spent together. I remember the day you left.


Manticore: You have done well. The physician is vital to our plan.
Alice: Please ... must we use him this way?
Manticore: I've told you before. Uther trusts him. He alone can get us close enough to the King.
Alice: But he will be blamed for everything that happens.
Manticore: And you will not. How perfect.
Alice: But his punishment will be terrible.
Manticore: You must put aside your feelings and do what needs to be done!

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Gaius: I'm afraid I cannot yet determine the cause of your father's illness.
Arthur: He's been poisoned, hasn't he?
Gaius: I cannot say at this stage.
Arthur: Just look at him. What else could it be?
Gaius: We must not jump to hasty conclusions. Please watch over him until I return.

Merlin: Gaius, he's been poisoned and I think we both know who did it.
Gaius: What exactly are you implying?
Merlin: It was Alice. It had to be. She's been helping you with the potions. She's had every opportunity to corrupt his medicine.
Gaius: Merlin, you have no proof of any of this!
Merlin: How else did he ingest the poison? There is no other explanation.
Gaius: Of course there is.
Merlin: Come on, Gaius. I understand why you're protecting her. Really, I do. But in your heart, you must know it's true.
Gaius: All I know is the King is gravely ill and your place is by Arthur's side!


Arthur: Do you admit to using magic?
Alice: Yes.
Arthur: Admit to poisoning the King?
Alice: Yes, yes. But it forced me to do it. It made me.
Arthur: Who forced you?
Alice: The creature, the creature!
Arthur: You're lying! There's no creature. You're just trying to save your own skin!
Alice: No, no.
Arthur: Please, my father is dying. If you have a single shred of goodness within you, you will tell me how to cure him.
Alice: I don't know. I don't know! I'm so sorry. The Manticore ...

Merlin: I had no choice. It was either her or you, Gaius.
Gaius: It wasn't your choice to make.

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Merlin: Something's happened.
Gaius: Perhaps one of the prisoners has escaped.
Merlin: How is that possible ... I wonder? The dungeons are so secure.
Gaius: I really couldn't say.
Merlin: You could have gone with her.
Gaius: I could have done. But then who would look after you?

Und, weil ich selbst nicht besser ausdrücken könnte:
Every week I shore up my courage for another round of childish repetitive storylines, boorish Arthur/Merlin exchanges and clumsy overacting and yet instead we had this dark, rather intense little drama with few players but some little gems to discover for those who bothered to look. From what I can see around the net, most fans dismissed this episode for the lack of the younger actors - but instead I really only tuned out in the Arthur/Merlin scenes.

I liked the fact that Alice wasn't merely another possessed antagonist, nor was she completely innocent, having been tempted by dark magic but ultimately being unable to control it. Pauline Collins gave Alice just the right combination of guilt, determination, wistfulness and regret.

But what really propelled this story for me was some long overdue backstory into Gaius' past and the friction this set up between he and Merlin. As I said, there were a few little gems here, although I gather most fans had tuned out by this point. Loved Merlin's shock as he discovered that this was a woman Gaius had once pledged to marry, and yet he allowed Alice to flee Camelot alone. You can see from the look on Merlin's face that Merlin would have followed such a love anywhere (and in fact intended to do just that when Freya was hounded out of Camelot). In a sense, Gaius' fear drove him to hide and bide his time, while Merlin is a character who tends to stand up for his beliefs and face fear head on. I liked the contrast - that of Gaius who is a sorcerer of modest ability who survived by stealth and subterfuge, yet who admires characters like Alice and Merlin for their outstanding magical abilities. I also like it when they explore the corruption of magic users, which in a way plays right into Uther's paranoia.

Then BANG, CRASH - we are suddenly back to one of those Merlin/Arthur scenes drawn straight from the pilot some three years ago.

I do have to admit however, how much I love the adoration and loyalty Arthur has for his flawed father and the way he recognises that same relationship in Merlin's love for Gaius - one of the few ways they are allowed to interact without turning it into some sort of immature joke. I much prefer Arthur in these quiet moments of introspection and concern, where the bully facade drops away. There was the moment by Uther's bedside where Arthur was methodically narrowing-in on the conclusion that Uther can only have been poisoned by Gaius' potion and a moment where it looked like Merlin and Arthur might get on the same page again, for a moment - but this series seems too afraid now to have Merlin and Arthur in the same scene together unless they are hitting each other, so another potentially important character moment got swallowed up again.

I love the way they have played with Uther's character this season: victim and antagonist, loving father and hypocritical a-hole, merging all those contrasting qualities into a believable whole. Quelle

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folge 3x09, rewatch

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