
Feb 08, 2010 12:25

Bradley: This scene, we did in the space of like, ten minutes at the end of the day.
小B: 这场戏我们是拍摄当天最后10分钟完成的

Colin: Yeah, in one take! (laughs)
小C: 是的,一次拍成(笑)

Bradley: Yeah, in one take - and both cameras kind of -
小B: 是的,一次拍成,两台摄影机同时拍的。

Colin: Cross shot?
小C: 交互拍摄?

Bradley: Cross shot on both of us at the same time. And I actually really like it.
小B: 是的,两台摄影机同一时间,交互拍摄我们。我很喜欢这段戏。

Anthony: It’s beautiful. It’s lovely!
安东尼大叔(国王扮演者): 很美,很有爱。

Bradley:  ‘Cause normally when you do a take, a scene, and it’s rushed - you kind of go away and go oh, I wish I could’ve done this like this, but I actually - I was quite happy with this. Afterwards, because I thought, well, that could’ve been a disaster.
小B: 通常拍摄都很赶,然后事后我会想"我希望可以这样演"。我本以为这场戏剧可能会演砸,但事后我对场戏很满意。

Colin: Well, it’s a good moment for the characters, isn’t it? Because it’s one of the first times that you connect on a level that we both have a missing parent, which we’ve never really clocked before, so this is our first time kind of going, huh!
小C: 这是两个角色之间很有感觉的一场戏,不是吗? 这是我们第一次在都只有单亲这点上进行沟通,第一次!

Bradley: This series has kind of been - with Arthur and Merlin, they’ve kind of had a few more of those conversations that you have with, like, your best mate every now and then where, you know, it’s banter 95%…99% of the time, and every now and then there’s something actually worth talking about.
小B: 这一季,亚瑟和梅林这样的沟通增加了,不时会感觉他们是对方最好的朋友。虽然95%,不,99%的时间两人都是在拌嘴,但是偶尔两人也会谈些有意义的事。

配对:AM/MA无差别, colin morgan, 视频, 梅林第二季, anthony head, bradley james, 梅林周边产品

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