
Nov 24, 2010 15:02



我发现对于一些问题,小B不会像Colin或者Katie那样只拣好听的说,而是以间接的方式回答,有时难免感觉顾左右而言他。比如问到这部剧是否达到了他的期望值,小B回答说: 这剧是很好的学习锻炼机会。

Is the concept of Merlin living up to your expectations?
It's been a great learning experience.


Given it's an ensemble piece, is Merlin really the right name for the show?
Naturally telling the story through the eyes of one character restricts the development of the story, but Colin does such a great job of taking the audience through Merlin's experiences that it works for the premise of this show and justifies the title.Because we're telling the story of the pre-amble to the legend, the title works but any further on and you would be missing the point.


Do you think Merlin will ever take over from Doctor Who as the biggest family drama on TV?
I don't think we will ever need to take over from Doctor Who - there is more than enough room in the world for both.

记者问到小B除了演戏外,想不想在其他方面发展,比如真人秀或者当主持人。B斩钉截铁地说:"Sticking to the acting, thanks." 最后那句"thanks",都能感觉小B在翻白眼。去年在一个电台访问里,B和C也被问到同样问题,当时两人都说要专心演戏。不过私心讲,我蛮希望B做主持人或者作导演/制片人的。


被问到片场有没有受过伤,B说没有。相比片场灾星Colin和Eoin,B的运动神经是发达多了。前几周Camelot那部新剧里演亚瑟王的Jamie Campbell Bower在片场 受伤,看来也是个手脚不灵的。

最后是两个关于其他影视剧的问题,小B对Star Trek显然是没有兴趣;问他喜欢The Wire还是The Sopranos,小B两部美剧都没选,而是选了英剧Spooks。在10月初和Katie一起作3x01的评论时,B就说到最近在看Spooks,还说<梅林>剧里好多群众演员也在那剧里出现。

平面媒体访问, 截图, 梅林第三季, 视频, bradley james

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