
Nov 10, 2010 17:46

Digital Spy采访原文


1. 被问到这剧最后四集的情况,小B仍然是老一套。避而不谈AG,只谈骑士,憧憬未来的圆桌。

2. 小B支持王子和公主的故事线向传说靠拢,而且很高兴决裂后就不能再重设。

3. 小B仍然对AM的关系持乐观态度,认为AM的关系在向传说靠拢。(他戏外有甜头,可惜我们没有)

Arthur and Merlin seem to be on friendlier terms this year. Are you pleased with that evolution?

"Yeah, it was very much important that that happens. Arthur can only treat him a certain way for so long! Presumably Merlin would have quit by now if he'd continued to be treated the way he was when we started off! The relationship continues to grow. It's an integral part of the show, I guess, with the focus being on Arthur's destiny and the story being told through Merlin's eyes. It becomes a very important relationship and I think it naturally has to develop so that audiences are aware that this is going somewhere. They're becoming the familiar characters of legend."

4. 小B认为Uther迟早有一天会翘辫子的,也期待自己登上王座的一天。

5. 小B这季最喜欢的是306(Elena公主那集)和308(渔王那集)。关于308,我感觉小B可能还没有看最后的成品,所以目前只是说喜欢剧本和拍摄的过程(我们都知道剧本和最后的成品有时会有很大差距)。另外拍摄的时候肯定很多时间他是和Colin以及Eoin Macken一起的。虽然在荧屏上看到的是亚瑟一人,高梅两人,但是拍摄时几场戏三人应该同时在同一外景地。至于306,小B明显拍得很开心。)

Which has been your favorite episode this series?

"[Episode six] was a hell of a lot of fun to do. Also, when I initially read episode eight, I knew that was going to be a good one. I remember reading the script and thinking it was brilliant. When we shot it, we went off to these various locations and filmed these great shots. I have a feeling that episode will be my favorite of the series."

平面媒体访问, bradley james

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