Dec 17, 2018 11:34
Title: Merwaine Christmas Thing (Working title)
Genre: romance, fluff, slight mystery?
Pairing, or characters: Merlin/Gwaine from BBC's Merlin
Type of beta you'd like: SPaG, especially to check my tenses, Brit-pick (not super urgent but would be nice), flow and style as well as continuits and general "does this make sense?" betaing. I like betas who have some experience with betaing and who are willing to tell me when something needs more detail or more explanation but who won't be rude about it. Also: I'm coming at you with this request on short notice, so it'd be A+++ if you can work fast.
Length, or word count: First part ~23.5k, second part isn't written yet but will probably be of similar length or somewhat shorter.
File format: I work in google docs. It helps if you're familiar with that.
Short Summary:
Gwaine comes home to the Pendragons for the holidays and meets Merlin, who's Arthur's fiancé. Arthur is in a coma. Also, it's weird that Arthur's engaged because Gwaine thought he and Arthur had a good friendship going and Arthur surely would've told him about Merlin before. Also also: Gwaine develops inconvenient feelings for Merlin while trying to suss out whether Merlin's a thieving liar or not.
The first part is written, the second part will be started today. I hope to get it done by the end of the week. Ideally, I'd like to publish both parts in time for Christmas. This is very short notice, I realise. I hope there's someone up for helping me out.
beta:basically everything,