Feb 10, 2015 23:37
Name to call you by: Whatever you like
Best way to contact you: the5leggedcricket(at)hotmail(dot)com
Genres you are not open to betaing: RPF, crack!fic, Crossover
Pairings you are not open to betaing: I'm open to anything, but I really don't know anything about femslash
Warnings/kinks you are not open to betaing: genderswap, genderbend
Length of fics you are able to beta: Any
What you focus on when you beta: SPaG (tenses! and interpunction, I'm obsessed with it), plot holes, flow, consistency, POV (focalisation)
Sometimes we need a beta who won't hold any punches. Are you willing to be tough and break a fic apart if asked: Yes
Other languages you'd be able to beta in: English, Dutch
How long a 5000 word fic typically takes you: Just reading takes 15-20 minutes, but to beta...it depends on how thorough you need me to be.
Name a fic or two you've beta'd before for reference, if available: I'm currently working on two unpublished fics, so no reference.
Any additional information: I'm studying Linguistics (Modern Languages: English-Dutch), so there's that. You'll need to tell me beforehand how quickly you need the job done, so I can tell you immediately if that's just not possible for me. Everything (kinks, pairings...) is open for discussion. Just shoot me an email and we'll work things out.