Title:None at the minute!
Genre: Romance, fluff...
Pairing, or characters: Arthur/Merlin - but everyone will be in it!
Type of beta you'd like: At the minute, I'm looking for someone to bounce idea's about with! But when it's written, I'll need a bit of everything! :)
Length, or word count: No idea really... over 10k anyway I'd say!
Language (if other than English): Nope.
Short Summary: This is for
reel_merlin. I'm doing Must Love Dogs - so it'd be good if you've seen the film or at least know the gist of it! Basically Character 1 [Arthur] has just gotten divorced or split up from his partner who was cheating on him, and has found himself in a bit of a rut - his family want him to start dating again, and he ends up joining dating sites - having some awful dates but one with character 2 [Merlin]. Merlin's very eccentric and intense and scares Arthur a bit, but they find love together after a few hiccups!
Help really needed to sort out the many kinks I have at the minute! &hearts.