Beta Profile

Apr 02, 2012 11:18

Name to call you by: eak_a_mouse 
Best way to contact you, (email, pm, comment, twitter, etc): comment, livejournal, will provide email upon request
Genres you are not open to betaing, (modernAU, PWP, angst, etc): Torture fic
Pairings you are not open to betaing: Arthur/Uther, Merlin/Uther
Warnings/kinks you are not open to betaing, (character death, non-con, etc): noncon that is portrayed as acceptable or preferred?
Length of fics you are able to beta, (any, short, long, onshots, etc): any
What you focus on when you beta, (grammar, flow, consistency, readability, etc): grammar, flow, consistency, plothole, some canon, cannot britpick
Sometimes we need a beta who won't hold any punches. Are you willing to be tough and break a fic apart if asked, (yes/no): yes, a thousand times yes (But, I will be nice as well.)
Other languages you'd be able to beta in: Some French
How long a 5000 word fic typically takes you: First read? 20 minutes or less, presumably can beta in an hour or two
Name a fic or two you've beta'd before for reference, if available (no worries, if you can't): Ah, sorry, can't


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