A All Hallows Eve at Gwaine's [Gwaine, Percival, Merlin, Arthur - G]

Nov 07, 2015 02:12

Artist: vanhelsing019
Title: A All Hallows Eve at Gwaine's
Pairing/Characters: Gwaine, Percival, Merlin, Arthur
Media: Digital (Paint Tool SAI)
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Prompt #: 29 - having fun and joking around wearing Halloween costumes
Notes: There was going to be more people in the picture, but let's pretend they're still coming :P Hope you guys enjoy the drawing :$ It's not my best work since I didn't have a lot of reference for the bodies, but I enjoyed drawing it.
Summary: Merlin is a genderbent Maleficent, Arthur a Gladiator, Percival I'm not really sure (let's say he's a vampire hunter :P) and Gwaine is a sexy pirate XP


rating: g, genre: slash, character: merlin, pairing: merlin/arthur/gwaine, pairing: gwaine/percival, + fest: 2015, character: percival, character: arthur, character: gwaine

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