Oct 31, 2015 13:02

Happy Halloween!

Posting day is here for the merlin_art-fest! Our first art post of the fest will be up shortly!

However, there has been one small change to our plan! Due to the sheer number of awesome Halloween centric entries that we've received, instead of releasing one art each day, we'll likely be posting twice a day instead in an effort to get those posted asap!

The Halloween art will be posted first, and Halloween may actually last about a week around here! (YAY ALL THE HALLOWEEN!)

Then we also have some truly breathtaking Fall themed art to share as well! You are all in for a definite treat this season!

Thank you again to all the amazing Merlin artists who support our fest with their wonderful talent! Please be sure to shower them with love and comments and kudos and notes! ♥

And one more reminder for our artists: On the date that your art is posted to the fest or anytime after it is posted, you may then also crosspost to tumblr, etc. (I'll be sure to let you know when your art is released!) Please do not post your fest art to your own spaces until it has been released to the fest community! Thank you!

If you still have some art to submit, it's not too late! Or if you need more time, please let me know! And if you still have another piece of Fall themed art to share (even if you didn't officially sign up) we're happy to receive any seasonal art as long as the fest is ongoing!

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask!

- reminder, - mod post, + fest: 2015

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