Beannachd Leibh

Dec 20, 2014 18:45

Artist: FreyaFenris (violetf)
Title: Beannachd Leibh
Pairing/Characters: Merlin/Arthur Pendragon
Media: Digital Art
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Notes: Illustration for my series Symmetry - which I will hopefully start posting soon.
Summary: Christmas office party isn't really a good place to meet new people, but it's very different when you already know the certain someone.

Biggest of thanks goes to the lovely KittyLovesMerthur for encouragement and being the sole reason this thing is done.

Also here on tumblr: (x), AO3: (x), and dA: (x).

rating: pg, + advent: 2014, genre: slash, character: merlin, advent calendar, pairing: merlin/arthur, character: arthur, genre: gen

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