Feb 12, 2013 06:59
WOW! I can't believe it's almost here!
Submissions Due: March 1
Posting Begins: March 10
With just a little bit over two weeks until your submissions are due (and less than a month before posting begins), I wanted to post a quick reminder about our submission guidelines!
I hope everyone's creations are going well! If you know you will need an extension, now's the time to let us know! We mods don't love last minute panics, it messes with our pretty schedules! However, we do understand that complications sometimes arise.
Even if you're having problems with your submission please talk to us! Communication goes a long way! We're actually pretty easy to work with. :) All we ask is that you please email us if you need help making the deadline, or if you want to cry or rip apart your work and you just need some love and encouragement! This will not only allow us to assist you, but it will also help us to organize the posting schedule. So if you are having problems, please send us an email and we'll try to find a solution. (You can contact us at: merlinartfest @ gmail.)
If it turns out you do need to drop out (which of course, we'd like to avoid!), please let us know before the deadline for submissions.
Submission Guidelines:
- Submissions are due on March 1.
- Please send your JPEG, PNG or GIF files to merlinartfest at gmail dot com.
- ALL art MUST be new and drawn specifically for the fest.
- It should NOT be posted anywhere else until after the fest reveal is posted.
- When you send your submission please include your name in the email subject.
- Please include your header in the body of the email.
- Once we've confirmed receipt, we would love to have you request an additional prompt if you so desire.
- The header appears below and should accompany each artwork you submit.
Artist: (if you are coming from tumblr or deviantart, please also include that name if different)
Rating: (G to NC-17)
Prompt #:
Are you over the age of 18: (Your age will not be posted! It is only for mod purposes.)
- reminder,
- mod post,
- submission guidelines