Prompting Post! [CLOSED]

Jan 10, 2014 15:31

- Prompting will be anonymous
- You may submit as many prompts as you wish.
- Everyone is invited to participate in the prompting process.
- You may leave a prompt without intending to claim one and vice versa.
- All pairings as well as gen prompts are welcome
- Please do no bash or flame other's prompts.
- Please use the forms supplied below.
- Prompting will close on January 25.
- You may choose to submit either a drabble prompt (word limit 200) or fill out our prompting form.
- Only post your prompts to this post.

Using at least three or more of the following categories:
1. Time-period or theme (Canon Era, Modern AU, High School, College years, Series specific, Pirates, etc)
2. Place (Camelot, Battlefield, Castle, Ealdor, London, garden, coffeeshop, etc)
3. Emotion (passion, love, anger, anxiety, happiness, etc)
4. Sense (touch, sight, taste, smell, sound)
5. Object (sword, armour, neckerchief, etc)
6. Action (kiss, fight, lick, cuddle, etc)
7. Mood (happiness, anger, darkness, fog/mist, sunlight/moonlight, firelight/candlelight, storm, sunrise/sunset, heat, freezing, etc)

Time-period or theme:
Maximum rating:

You must include AT LEAST three of these categories in your request, but including more than three will give artists more flexibility and may increase the chances of your request being claimed.


A drabble or scene (word limit 200)
Drabble may be something never posted before, an existing drabble, or an excerpt from an existing fic. If you are not the author of the drabble/fic, please get permission from the author before submitting it, credit the author appropriately, and include a link to the original.

Drabble or Excerpt:
Maximum rating:

Thank you! We look forward to seeing what you come up with! Tell your friends to come and share lots of wonderful prompts!

Just a reminder that prompting is anonymous and comments are screened.

+ fest: 2014, - prompting post

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