1. May I claim a single character?
2. I have a threesome can I claim them instead?
3. What kind of claim can I make?
Either slash, het, or gen.
4. May I claim original characters?
No, but you can have Merlin/OFC or OMC.
5. May I claim RPS/RPF characters?
Yes. But make sure you post a warning about it.
6. Can I claim art, like icons or drawings?
Yes! I would love to make this a diverse Merlin comm, so go for it!
7. May I claim incest?
Yes. But make sure you post a warning about it.
8. How quickly will my claim be approved?
I want to approve claims and set up tags within about 24 hours of the claim being made. However, this sometimes may not be possible, so please bear with me.
9. When may I begin posting?
Once your claim has been accepted and your tags have been made. You can start writing them and then post when I accept the claim.
10. How many claims may I have?
As many as you want. However, I would recommend up to three.
11. Is there a limit as to how many stories I may post at a time?
No, but just remember that you'll be clogging up people's f-lists if you do so.
12. Do I have to use the prompts in order?
No, they may be used in any order.
13. Does the prompt word have to appear in the story?
No, it does not. Nor does it have to be the more usual meaning of the word.
14. Are there any deadlines?
No, none at all. This is meant to be fun and as a writer I know only too well that the Muse cannot be controlled.
15. May I write with another person?
Yes. Just let me know both names when you submit your claim.
16. Do I have to post directly to the community?
It's up to you. You may either post a link to the story or post the story here or both. However, all stories, irrelevant of length, must go behind the lj cut.
17. Is there a minimum and maximum story length:
Stories must be a minimum of 100 words. There is no maximum.
18. May I use previously written and posted stories?
Sorry, but no. Try to come up with some new ideas.
19. May I use the same story for more than one challenge?
If the other challenge/s rules permit this, yes.
20. May I post my stories elsewhere?
Yes, they are your stories. You may post them wherever you wish to.
21. What if I wish to drop my claim?
22. Are crossovers allowed?
Yes of course. Just make sure that the other fandom/pairing is clearly stated in the story header.
23. Do I have to rate my stories?
I would like if you used the G, PG, PG-13, R, NC-17 rating system, as it seems to be the most commonly used one. However, if you prefer to use another system you may do so, just give a brief explanation as to what your rating means.
24. Who tags the stories?
You do. I will set your tag up for you when I approve your claim, but you will be responsible for your own tagging. To access these tags, once you have posted your story or the link to your story to the Community, click on the word 'Tags', which will appear at the bottom of the post, and this will take you to a list of the relevant tags. If you're having trouble with it, let me know.
25. What information should I include when posting my story?
Stories should be posted as follows.
Subject Line: Fandom. Pairing. Table. Prompt.
PAIRING: Full names, please not ‘squashed up’ names. (Does Merlin fandom even have that? Artlin? Morwn?)
GENRE: Slash, het or gen.
PROMPT: Number and actual prompt: ex. 01. Blood
SUMMARY: This can be as brief or detailed as you like, but please put one.
WARNINGS: I'm not going to make a huge list here, as one person's idea of warning will be another ones' 'like'. However, the things for which I suggest a warning should be given are: death of a major character, heavy BDSM, any other extreme fetish, unhappy ending, partner betrayal, partner rape.
NOTES: Anything else you'd like to mention.
DISCLAIMER: Something like: 'I don't own these characters, nor am I making any money from them. I merely borrow them from time to time'.
Art should be posted as follows.
For art use the following:
Subject Line: Fandom/Claim. Prompt. Username. Rating.
Title: (if applicable)
Genre: Het/Slash/Gen
Claim: Pairing/Characters
26. What do I do when I've finished my claim?
here and you will be given a banner (once I find a person to make them >.>).
27. What if I have a question you haven't answered?
If you have any other questions that I have not addressed, please either leave a comment to this entry or email me at: or send me a personal message.