Pool ramblings

Jul 25, 2008 13:41

I'm going to miss the pool when it closes at the end of summer. So fun going with dd and spending hours splashing and playing. It helps that she gets exhausted and it makes naptime very easy. :)
Met some nice mommies there today that seemed pretty normal. That's a big deal in this area. The mommies that go on Tuesdays are really neurotic and pretty much a stereotype for annoying parents. People really shouldn't be hypersensitive about what pool tool their child gets. And one should certainly not stalk pool toys for their children, especially when the children aren't even interested in it.

I really am too much of a loner but people usually irritate the crap out of me. I'm not interested in competing with you and I'm not interesting in playing the "I'm better than you because we only eat organic food" game. It makes me want to say that I think children should be made to eat a spoonful of pesticide with dinner. It's amazing how often one can insert a comment about only letting their kids drink organic milk into a pool situation (where people rarely bring milk at all). So it was a nice change of pace to interact with women who weren't trying to one up each other for the best mommy award. In fact, one let their child eat a goldfish off the sidewalk when the 2yo dropped it. That made me love her.

I'm spending a lot more time at the pool now that my company had everyone take a 20% cut in salary by losing a day of work. I'm getting my portfolio redone and working on my resume but I really love the job I have and the whole situation is sad. Part of me thinks I could get away with staying at home with dd and somehow we could make it work financially. We probably could but there goes the dream of getting a house any time soon. And I don't think I want to stay home full time. I think I would become one of those neurotic women that doesn't have enough to do but obsess over their children. It would be nice to be able to only work three days a week and have four days home with dd.

I'm just rambling now as a way to put off working out. Better go make good use of the limited nap time and get my butt on the elliptical machine.


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