moving moving moving XP

Oct 29, 2006 08:23

Whee, so I've not touched this in a while... nor have I been touching the computer as much XP. Been doing other things, and going to bed semi-early usually (round midnight if not before alot of the time).

My family is going to be moving this next weekend. Landlord is sellin the house and we managed to find another rental (can't afford to buy this place XP). It's a bit futher away from things than I'd like, but it's not TOO much further from the lightrail than we are now... just... we're going to be at the end of line almost the middle of nowhere. Seriously, we're at the end of a dead end street, and surrounded on two sides by OOOOOOPEN fields.... XD No stores within easy walking distance as here, but we'll adjust again. It's going to be 4 bedrooms instead of 5, rooms are a bit smaller than here, but at least I'll still get my own (we have one house mate boy, but he rooms with my brother so that's ok). So this week it alot of packing and cleaning and more packing... XP Yay. XP I hate moving...

That's it for now, more stuff later... maybe XP
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